Simple Funeral Service In Brighton, Hove & The Surrounding Areas

Bowley & Gallagher is able to provide a simple funeral service for those who want a modest, respectful and affordable ceremony. A simple funeral will offer the opportunity to say goodbye to your loved one with a dignified service which can be attended by friends, family and all those who want to pay their respects. Whether the deceased would have wanted a low-key affair, or you are looking for a touching but low-cost, affordable funeral, a simple service can be a pertinent choice.

Affordable Funerals

With our simple funeral service, you will be able to benefit from the expertise of our highly qualified and supportive team who will give all the help and advice you require. What’s more, we will remove and look after the deceased until the funeral, complete all necessary legal documentation, provide a simple yet classic coffin and transport your loved one in a hearse to the service location. One of our funeral directors will also be on hand at the funeral to guide and help you through the service.

For more information about our simple funerals in and around Brighton, Hove and the surrounding areas, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our sensitive team today.